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The My Way Gang first brought you 'The All Star Massacre'
Now the My Way or the Highway Gang brings you 'Its Revenge Against the D1 Juniors'
As you may know Mark Scott and the Bloomington folks have gone above and beyond to support Minnesota Legion Baseball. With no one willing to host the D1 Junior state tournament, Mark Scott and his small band of Bloomington volunteers rescued the State Legion by hosting the tournament nearly every year since its inception. It has not been an easy road. Legion officials demanded Bloomington pay hotel costs for players; they demanded that Bloomington provide free meals to players; they further demanded facility upgrades including new batting cages, relocation of practice mounds on a field that is City owned. Plenty of criticism was sent the Bloomington way.
Host costs rose as housing costs (hotels) nearly doubled. Each year the state insited that hotels must be provided to several teams and free meals be provided to all participants. The tournament was only marginally profitable. which did not seem to concern 'The Board". We learned that one cointract between the parties specified a payment to Bloomington of $1,200 to offset some of the required meal costs. That written commitment, to our understanding, remains unfulfilled.. The State seemingly reneged on a contract. Annual presentations by Bloomington at Board meetings reportedly got testy. Yep. You can guess. Personal frictions which translate into bias, grudges, and other personal agendas.
Nonehteless. uUnwilling to leave the Junior Division without a tournament site, Bloomington said they would host 2025 but would not pay hotel costs. The state would not back down. Hotel rooms is almost a religious priorioty to this board . Stalemate.
Junior D1 Chairman Jack Strong was told by his board superiors to fix the problem. Strong brought issues and alternatives before the D1 Junior coaches and team managers Voting followed discussion. The entire division came up with simple, clear, and effective solutions that would have positive effects for 2025 and years beyond. There as 100% agreement:
The challenge of Mark Scott, Bloomington, the challenge of Chairman Jack Strong, plus the challenge posed by the entire Junior Division 1 must have rocked some board members to the very core. How dare they! No one criticizes or questions 'The Board"! There is no compromise in the Minnesota system. It is about a test of wills and the exertion of power that comes with position. We say secret because discussions, votes, and meetings are held behind closed doors, or in this case, likely done by phone. There are no public statements. And now we have the Board, its officers, and the Director himself further removed preferring to have Randy's "Chief of Staff" handle much of the communications burden thus layering The Board behind another wall.
Here is what came down:
It sure looks like anger, personal agendas, and grudges drove this mess of a solution. No one tells "The Board" what to do. No one tells them what they want. It appears to be a test of position, a show of strength, and a display of power flexing. Oh this is not the first time we have seen and expeineced this methodology. It is textbook Closed System stuff. Closed minds- closed system. Long-term solutions rarely develop in this fashion. Certainly collaboration, negotiuation, and compromise have no place with "This Board".
Hey Board. Hey Officers. Who created this solution? Who is the author? Who backed it? Was it you Randy? How about you, Tim? Where do you stand, Slick? Is this right up your alley Brandon? RHow about you, Jim, Bruce, Gail, Vern?
Explain yourselves. Hah. Like that has ever happened. "The Board" exists without any accouyntability beyond their closed meeting doors. This administration led by Randy and Slick and Brandon may be the most secretiove of anjy we have encountered in 30 plus years.
Taking Revenge: 'The Board" MUST Have Its Hotels
Why can't teams pay their own way? They do everywhere else in the country. They do for high school baseball. What gives the policy of buying rooms for kids (possibly a violation of the Legion Amateur rule) a policy that has a religious standing? Because "that is what we have done in the past". Why? Wow.
To make sure the policy is followed, 'The Board' will foot the bill in 2025 for Junior hotel rooms. What a waste of state resources, resources that come from team registration feees. Yes, that means 356 teanms will be paying for D1 Junior rooms, Rooms that the D1 teams were giong tom pay for themselves. What is the long-term plan? No junior site is going to foot the bill ever again. Who will pay in 2026? What an odd decision. It looks more emotional than rational
Hey, What a message to send to all the other host sites. Maybe some will ask for equivalent treatment. Board - you have invited more discussion with this half-baked solution for 2025.
The entire Junior Division solved the hotel problem in munutes.'The Board': No way. No one sets policy or challenges this group. No one has a say. Whomade the decision to waste team registration money to pay D1 Junior room costs? To pay for teams that wanted to pay it themselves?
Taking Revenge: "The Board" Nails Bloomington
After stiffing them despite a contract, after holding Bloomington's feet to the fire to meet all the State demands and mandates, after years of service to Legion baseball, THEY PULLED THE $2,500 HOST GRANT. That seems completely spiteful.
But Wait a Minute.!
Any argument that jerking the host grant from Bloomington was cost justified is simply bogus. This clearly is a slap back at Mark Scott and Bloomington for simply standing firm. They had to satnd firm. These are Board Bully tractics at best. Mark Scott and Bloomington are not the jerks here. Not at all. They have bailed out that State Board for years with no thanks. This is just plain revenge. You Board members should be ashamed of yourselves. Whoever you are that is.
Taking Revenge: "The Board" Nails the Junior Coaches
The state tournament bracket structure was front-and-center important to 100% of the Junior Division. They did not then and do not want now to lessen the tournament. The willingness to pay their own expenses demonstrated their serious commitment. Did 'The Board' care? Nope. The hell with the Junior coaches. The state commanded a shortened tournament using the winner/loser brackets. This cuts a day (or in this case a night) off the tourney schedule, something no Junior coach wanted. They want the full tournament experience for their tournamnet. Well, they thought it was their tournament. Who's is it? Randy's? Slick's? Brandon's? Jim's? Who is calling the shots?
Now this has to be developed and blessed at the highest board level - the Officers.
Jeff 'Slick" Miller and Brandon Raymo run the D2 programs where many believe the Double Elim model should be used to exppand opportunity for D2 communities and players. That would be change. Instead, the D2 powers appear to force D1 to mirror D2. Many see this as a "shove it down the throats of the D1 Junior. coaches" thing. The D1 coaches are 100% opposed to cheapening their tournament and they dared to vote on it. No one tells this Board or some of its members what to do. So like a petulant teenager, they chose the opposite of what was desired. Great way to work together Randy! Slick! Brandon! Great example of collaborative leadership.
Any reasonable Board would negotiate to find agreeable solutions. Not Minnesota
Nope. Not these guys. Cram down. Daddy knows best? This is pure bully tactdic. It is shameful.
The Director's "Winter Update" Blown Up
Randy, your words appear hollow when compared to your actions.
First there was the ALL STAR MASSACRE
It is now followed by the BOARDS JUNIOR REVENGE TOUR
This is what you get with the Closed System that is a tiny group of appointed insiders that meeting behind closed doors and serve for their lifetimes.
Some board members very well intentioned and some work many hours diligently for the good of baseball and the good of the boys.
But the good guys don't run the show in the regime.
The D1 Junior Coaches know something about their programs and their teams. They know something about state tournaments, too. The entire Junior Division stepped in to address issues that the State Board of 14 refused to solve or more correctly, was unable to resolve.
The Results Are In
The entire Junior D1 Division voted to keep a full tournament schedule that aligns with the National American Legion baseball template.
The entire Junior D1 Division voted to eliminate hotel cost isssues once and for all with each team paying their own travel costs.
The Hotel Policy
'The Board or certain members of the Board, have been married to their policy of having state tournament hosts pay for kids hotel rooms (coaches rooms also). The hotel room policy must make some on the Board feel Minnesota Special since no Legion program in the United States makes that demand of hosts. Action of the Board this time around makes the policy appear so precious that it has achieved near Religion status. This self-imposed hotel commitment superceded Junior Division coaches votes.
The D1 Junior Coaches voted unanimously to:
State Mandate: The Powers Have Spoken - We Decide- Not you!
The State (some prefer now to call it Deep State) seems to be unwilling to address the coaches directly instead preferring to work directly with the state tournament site hosts. From what we understand:
What a Slap in the Face
100% of the D1 Junior Divsion wanted the same state tournament format as has been in place since inception.
What a Messy Mess on Hotels
100% of the D1 Junior Division solved the host hotel dilemma and agreed to pay their own costs. Eassy. Done. No way says the Bosses.
Bad Choice: Cheapening the Tournament - To Save Hotel Costs for the State
Suddenly a fiscal responsibility priority seems to appear from the Board. They must impose a lesser tournament to cut games to send more kids home early. The state gotta save on hotel rooms. Actually, no you don't.
These Board actions look like short-term reactions to what was a 100% sensible decision made by the entire D1 Junior Division. These reactions look like a 'stuff it in your face" reaction that took the complete opposite of the democratically developed plan presented by the Junior Coaches.
At best, these actions look like temporary attempts to address a specific issue.
Did The Board shoot itself in the foot? Have precedents been created that may come back to haunt?
It Brings Up The Question: What Is the Proper Place of Coaches and Program Directors in Minnesota Legion Baseball
According to Director Randy Schaub in his Ferbruary 3rd "Winter Update", coaches are very important. Very important indeed. So what is the proper place of a coach in the Mionnesota System?
"I want to emphasize the critical role that managers and coaches play in the success of Minnesota American Legion Baseball. Your dedication and efforts are the backbone of our program, and I encourage you to complete your team’s registration as soon as possible."
Get your paperwork in guys! Coach equals admin support. That was it. The onlty coach role cited.
Director Randy Encourages Communication With Coaches
Encouraging communications with coaches, the Director invited coaches to call him up :
"We value your input and encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions. However, please understand that while your perspectives will be given due consideration, this does not mean every request will be granted."
The Director went on to manage expectations explaining or back tracking that he was only one vote on a Board.
Director Randy! What could be more clear than an entire division of coaches unanimously voting on what should have been a very easy solution for you to accept, and you shoved it back into their noses? Communicate ideas tio you? To your Board? It looks like you are running the Just Say No Society, or no to any outsider. Asking coaches for input in light of what really results is just plain disingenuous.
Watch the actions and pay attention to the words. Coaches are in place to feed paperwork. Or 'give me a call sometime'. Don't bet on your idea going anywhere.
The crack of the bat for summer baseball will ring across the state in every smaller town and city. Certainly, some towns are more like small cities while others are, well, just plain small towns. The pride taken in their fields and in their local teams is what baseball legend was built on. State Director Randy Schaub pointed with pride in his "Winter Update' letter as he praised the innovation of the Minnesota Board in its development efforts for creating the D2 levels for Senior and Junior levels that were created for smaller communities. The development of D2 has been key, he said, to Minnesota leading the nation in team numbers.
Hold on a second. D2 was created in 1987 when enough coaches and program directors made a fuss that they had no chance to compete against the bigger towns and metro teams when everyone was jammed into just one division. That was nearly 40 years ago! What was a small group of teams now numbers more than 130. Therein lies the problem. Size undermines Opportunity. D2 Juniors were createdin 2017 to piggy back the established D1 Junior program. D2 Juniors largely took over VFW programs in most towns.
Director Schaub went further to point out that he favors 'opportunity for Legion players' while simul;taneously muting expectations with his admission that others on the Board do not agree with him. Opportunity? For D2? For Outstate? With all due respect to the Director- you got a long way to go.
Current Playoffs Deny Opportunity for More Than Half the Division
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